Thursday, September 2, 2010

Show and Tell Friday

I am joining with Cindy for Show and Tell Friday!! Go over and check out her beautiful blog!!


  1. Hi Susan!
    I just popped by to say "HI!" I have had a busy summer and wasn't able to come 'round to see everyone like I was used to!
    I saw you over at Cindy's and thought, "I miss Susan! Wonder how she's been :)!?"
    So how have you been?
    I remember the last time I was here, Blogger was being a stinker and not letting me "follow" you.
    It worked just now!
    I pray you are having a wonderfully blessed day!
    Hugs to you!

  2. Hi, Susan! I haven't owned a food processor in years. You're making me think...maybe I should ask for one for Christmas! What a bargain! You did good!!!
