Sunday, November 9, 2014

We had a community Yard Sale!

This is what I did Saturday.... we had a community neighborhood sale. I tried to talk my hubbie into watching the sale so I could go........I finally convinced him in the late afternoon, so I missed all the good stuff..... His comment was " we are trying to get rid of junk" not bring more "junk in".  LOL.


  1. Susan, So funny, that sound like something my husband would say. They just don't get it. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. LOL! That would be something I would do too. I hope you got rid of a lot from yours. Did you find anything good?....Christine

  3. exactly what all men say I should think,as mine does too.Hope you sold lots

  4. Susan,
    I would have been dying to go but Joe would be the one who would have bet me to it!! He is a shopper that sometimes I have to put on a short leash!! LOL!!

    Thanks so much for all your visits and kind words!! I am enjoying my break and actually pulled out of being a vendor at the Craft Fair that I will be running at out church. That took a LOT of pressure off me and I am now looking forward at just enjoying myself at the Craft Fair !!

    I will be back to posting the week of Thanksgiving , over on my Christmas blog when I start to reveal my Christmas decorations. We were working on the outside yesterday since it was in the 60's but that will be short lived so I want to get it done before I would freeze to death while decorating out there!!

  5. Hi Susan! So nice to know you came by to see my chippy china! I hope you managed to find something fun at the sale. That sounds like something my husband would say too! haha! Have a great week!

  6. Hi Susan, I am just like you, wanting to see what treasures other have as well.
    I hope you had a successful day.
    Hugs Kay
