I was in a seminar on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy today. So on my lunch hour I stopped by the Goodwill that was near by. So I wanted to share my finds with you!!
I just thought these little sandles were so cute! I don't know if they are good brand name or not. But I sure do love them and they are in good condition.
The brand name of the sandals
Inside Rockport shoes posted below.
You all know I don't really like to buy used shoes. But these brown shoes with pink interior are in great conditiion. They are Rockport Brand.
This is just a simple flannel pull over jacket. It is brand new from QVC, it is made by Denim and Company. I can wear it as a casual knock around jacket.
Look at the color of this sweater and the embroidery. It is a Bob Macki design. I have a jacket designed by him with some bright colorful embroidery. This is brand new,not a flaw, the tags are still on it.
Of course this scarf is pink with pink roses. So how could I pass it up!
I thought the silk ribbon embroidery on these valances was so pretty. I hope I can use them in the new house. If not I will have to figure out something else to do with them.
I found these Avon eggs, they depict each season. Unfortunately I broke the summer egg before I even got it out of the store. This is the fall Egg. Each egg has a saying on the back , but the pictures I took of them you cannot read the words.
This is the Winter Egg! I just love cardinals, they are the my Home state , state bird.
Third Egg